Code of Conduct for Public Comments at Public Meetings of the Coffee County Board of Education

• Board meetings are public meetings but not meetings of the public.  This code of conduct applies to every individual at the meeting, whether attendee, speaker, facilitator, guest, staff, or any other person or persons attending public meetings of the Coffee County Board of Education.  Abiding by these guidelines will help ensure that all individuals have a positive experience at all meeting of the Coffee County Board of Education. 

• All persons attending public meetings of the Coffee County Board of Education are expected to uphold the professional and educational purposes of these meetings by respecting the rights, privacy, safety, and dignity of all persons. They are also expected to exercise professionalism, consideration, and respect in their speech and actions and to refrain from harassing speech and other harassing behavior. 

• All forms of, or encouragement of, any type of bullying, discrimination, and/or harassment are prohibited during meetings of the Coffee County Board of Education.

• Any person or persons seen as posing a threat to the safety and order of the meeting and its stakeholders will be removed from the meeting and other action may be taken as deemed appropriate by the Chairman of the Board.

• Any person or persons attending and speaking at public meetings of the Coffee County Board of Education are expected to:

1. Respect the rights, privacy, safety, and dignity of all persons
2. Treat all persons with kindness and respect. 
3. Listen quietly and considerately, respecting diversity of views and opinions
4. Uphold the professional and educational purposes of the meeting
5. Refrain from disruptive or disrespectful conduct during others’ presentations
6. Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech at all times